Home » News » 22nd July, 2019: Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum Prices Unmoved on Index

22nd July, 2019: Scrap Gold, Silver and Platinum Prices Unmoved on Index

In the Hallmarked category, the 14 carat gold scrap prices remained unchanged at $ 804.33 per Oz.
The daily scrap gold prices – hallmarked and non- hallmarked remained flat on Monday, 22nd July, 2019 . The prices of scrap Silver and Platinum too held steady on Index.
In the Hallmarked category, the 14 carat gold scrap prices remained unchanged at $ 804.33 per Oz. The prices of 18 carat and 22 carat gold scrap too remained flat at $ 1,031.19 and $ 1,259.43 per Oz respectively. 9 carat gold scrap also held steady when compared with the day before. The price of Platinum scrap witnessed no change at $ 615.38 per Oz. Silver scrap prices too remained flat at $ 13.19 per Oz.
In the Non-Hallmarked category, the 14 carat gold scrap prices remained unchanged at $ 760.79 per Oz. The prices of 18 carat and 22 carat gold scrap too remained flat at $ 975.38 and $ 1,191.26 per Oz respectively.9 carat gold scrap also held steady when compared with the day before. The price of Platinum scrap witnessed no change at $ 615.38 per Oz. Silver scrap prices too remained flat at $ 11.71 per Oz.

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